In addition to the PS220 correction circuit design example, here is a comparation of two different results. The first one is from the YT demo (Link). It has two coils, two capacitors and it fits within c.a. +-3.5dB tollerance margin. The second one was designed with loosening part reduction strength, it has four capacitors, four coils but it is only a fraction of dB out of the target spl. The question if such a precise circuit is worth implementing remains open. However it's possible to design it with XMachina.

spls: orange: driver, green: driver+simpler circuit (2xL, 2xC), gray: driver+precise circuit (4xL, 4xC)

electrical transmitances: green: simpler circuit (2xL, 2xC), gray: precise circuit (4xL, 4xC), orange: driver spl


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